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The Solution To Troubled Skin

News & Events


Posted on Friday, 17 Dec 2021


I took part in a photo contest on Bioskin Facebook page in November 2013 and to my surprise, I was selected as one of the top 5 winners. I won the grand prize of 1 Skin Rebirth Treatment and 1 Cyro Splash Face Treatment, their total worth up to $3,000! I was beyond ecstatic because it was the first time I won something online… and all I did was to enter my daughter’s cute photograph.


When I returned home to Singapore, and after a few emails & calls later, I made an arrangement to try out their Skin Rebirth Facial Treatment first. A few days before my appointment date, I read up more on what Skin Rebirth is all about on their official websiteand recalled the conversation I had with my skin consultant over the phone. Judy mentioned that there will be some downtime and advised me not to have any outdoor appointments made after the facial. She also informed me not to wash or scrub my face a day before my appointment day.

I arrived 15 minutes before the set time and the staff at Orchard Central treated me with most care and ensured that my wait was comfortable. I was given a cup of ginger tea and was asked to relax while they let my legs enjoy the wonderful massage by the OSIM uSoffa Petit. I slowly sipped my beverage, enjoyed the tranquility of their lounge and admire their wallpapered deco.

At exactly 10am, my skin consultant Judy was ready to received me and she ushered me into one of the consultation rooms. Judy examined my skin condition and explained more details of the treatment I was about to undergo. There are 4 levels of treatment for this treatment. After analyzing my skin conditions, Judy recommended me to try Power 3.

Skin Rebirth uses a multi-source, phase-controlled Fractional Radio Frequency energy that generates pulses of energy into my skin, causing a deep volumetric dermal heating effect that enables collagen remodelling, skin resurfacing and treatment of wrinkles, acne and acne scars.

Apparently, fractional RF energy which is delivered to the skin in a fractional manner via an array of multi-electrode pins, enables an enhanced effect of deeper penetration and optimized efficacy, with less discomfort to the patient and a deeper gradual dermal effect; when compared to other known LED and Laser waves used by their competitors.

If that is too much information to process, it means that the radio waves is delivered deeper into my skin and this helps in formation of new collagen & resulting in brighter and smoother skin complexion.


I was then ushered into one of the luxurious rooms and Judy gave me a few minutes to get ready. I am very comforted with the fact that Bioskin placed hygiene and comfort as top priority. Judy ensures that she washes her hands with soap, after every step that she takes in my facial treatment.

Judy gave me a soothing scalp massage before we started the facial treatment proper. Thereafter, she removed traces of my make-up, cleansed my face and applied numbing cream for about 20 minutes. This cream is crucial in ensuring that my skin would not be in any excruciating pain during the RF treatment. In fact, it felt like ants biting. I can’t imagine how painful it would be without that numbing cream, ha!


My face, especially my cheeks and forehead, was slightly red and sore after the treatment. It looks at though I had too much to drink but it doesn’t hurt too much. Judy has already informed me that it is normal for skin to experience some redness after the treatment. This was the downtime she was referring to. Some mild scabbing, flaky skin and itchiness would be expected in a couple of days later. Judy ensured me that this is the natural exfoliation that comes with skin rejuvenation process and she taught me how to protect and care for my skin in the next few weeks.

The good folks at Bioskin generously gave me a blemish control mask to put on the 3rd day and advised me to always, always put on sunblock whenever I go out. Judy also reminded me not to peel off the scabs if they turned to be too itchy or uncomfortable, but to apply moisturizer to help hydrate the skin and allow natural exfoliation. I continued to use my usual Elizabeth Arden facial cleanser, toner and moisturizer everyday and applied my Elizabeth Arden hydrating mask a week after.

Thank goodness I have this Chanel all-in-one healthy grow cream. At least I don’t look too sunburned during my facial downtime when I went out for tea and shopping a few hours after. In fact, after applying, I don’t have to put on any blush on my cheeks ;)

Overall, I am truly satisfied with the warm welcome I received from the Bioskin staff and enjoyed every bit of the facial treatment. At times, I was a little nervous about the scabs and peeling of my skin during my first week. However, I am reminded of what I wrote during the Facebook photo contest. Perhaps that’s what won me the contest in the first place.

A skin rebirth is like the snake shedding its outer skin. It need to get rid of the dead skin to get to the next beautiful and smooth skin it deserves. It’s a painful but necessary process.

If this is the first time you heard of Bioskin and you are on the fence, wondering if the Skin Rebirth is for you, here’s an excellent opportunity to give it a try at a discounted cost. More information here.

In God’s love,

Disclaimer: This blog entry is proudly sponsored by Bioskin Holdings Pte Ltd. Technical terms, information about the products and services are provided by Bioskin. All opinions are on my own. No monetary compensation was received. Feel free to contact me if you need further clarification.

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