Lifting Facial Singapore

  • Description


A non-invasive and FDA approved skin rejuvenation and skin tightening face treatment that uses a multi-source, phase-controlled Fractional Radio Frequency energy source that generate pulses of energy into the skin, causing a deep volumetric dermal heating effect that restructures the collagen layers and result in skin tightening and lifting.

Micro-Fractional Ablation is also done by removing damaged skin cells on the upper layers of the skin to allow new skin resurfacing or regrowth


Benefits of Cell Reborn:

  • Skin surface is smoothened and more radiant due to micro-fractional ablation
  • Scars and pigmentations are lightened due ablation of upper skin layer
  • RF technology helps to lift and firm saggy skin, providing a more youthful look
  • New collagen remodeling helps to achieve skin tightening
  • Wrinkles are reduced as a result of skin tightening


Cell Reborn is a highly effective treatment for the following:

  • Lifting and Firming of Saggy Skin
  • Skin Renewal
  • Acne Scar Lightening
  • Wrinkle Reduction


Results After 1 Treatment:

  • More defined chin
  • Slimmer face
  • Lesser and lighter acne scars and pimples
  • Smoother complexion
  • Jawline is more visible due to skin tightening


Watch Treatment Technology:



Book your appointment here or call 6222 6777 now!